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A SCHOOLGIRL and a past office van driver were warmly applauded at the Cinema de Luxe, Hastings, when they were presented with Safety First certificates by the Chie Constable of Hastings, Lt.-Col. A. G. Cargill.
The girl, 11-year-old Diana Beale, of Newgate-road, St. Leonards, who attends St. Leonards Secondary Modern School for Girls, was seen by a police officer in Bohemia road in charge of four young children. Diana took them to a pedestrian crossing to instruct them how to use the crossing, make them hold hands, look left and right and wait for the roadto become clear before crossing.
In the opinion of the police officer she showed initiative and leader- ship.

The van driver. Mr. Dennis Roy Lown, of Downlands-avenue. Bexhill, was. driving his van in Trinitystreet when athree-yearold child dashed across the road in front of the van.
With perfect control Mr. Lown Swung his vehicle away from the child and applied his brakes. His prompt and efficient handling averted what would hev been a serious accident
St. Leonards Secondary Modern School for Girls
A relic of Victorian days is this wall letter-box at Battle, with its old-fashioned flap aperture. It is still in use and bears the Royal monogram "V.R." Janet Hicks (aged 9) catches the evening post.
Janet Hicks
Traditional Boxing Day meet of the East Sussex Foxhunters at Battle green in front od the Abbey Gateway attracted the largest gathering of holiday onlookers for years.
East Sussex Foxhunters
Eileen Peacock
Not for Mrs. Mopp

This girls is not making charwoman's mops but torches for Battle (Sussex) fireworks celebrations. She is 18-year-old Eileen Peacock. More than 2,000 torches have to be made for the Fifth of November.
Dean of Battle
Novel method of keeping the grass short in the churchyardof St Mary's, Battle, has been devised by the Dean of Battle, the Very Rev. A.T.A. Naylor, who has bought five goats. And what other lawnmower will provide good fresh daily?

Argus 2nd June 1951
Fellowship of St.George, of St. Mary's Church,
Unlike the usual "knock-and-sing-one line" carol singers, members of the Fellowship of St.George, of St. Mary's Church, Battle have been giving value in their tour of the town this week raising funds for the Church of England Children's Society and the Sunshine Homes for Blind Children.
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